jz: (laughs)
pb: thinking about how short that is!
q webviews and webvr tests, safari is horribly unsafe (jessica?)
av: that's my understanding, worked w/ chris fontaine on safari, there is a...
jz: (laughs)
pb: thinking about how short that is!
q webviews and webvr tests, safari is horribly unsafe (jessica?)
av: that's my understanding, worked w/ chris fontaine on safari, there is an issue in apple's safari and their extension system that we're working with them through.
jz: bhearsum, do we manage webvr renders?
jb: yes, that is inline.
File operations in the extension API lead to file operations on the host, w/o operating system access or app context. For now are using the per app context, but need to allow users to control files on the hosting System. Sky's extensions look like a good starting place with some useful tidbits on the API.
jb: we had a chat this week with sky on his solution, he has the context per file operation, BUT he has the problem of an extension that wants you to first copy items, clipboards, is using system applications it can't control to copy from and it doesn't understand that concept.
jz: there are ways around this, we could write our own handler. are we considering this enough?
av: shortcomings prevent us from doing this, plus it's not common that you need to copy. in considering this, if the app is writing his own handler, or controlling the access, it could be device shared but a problem in this we would have to say it doesn't work in the regular system, it is 100% safe, otherwise you're really giving up some things if you chose your primary mechanism.
jb: and if you chose that, you lose direct sharing, clipboard api, etc.
jz: I really think we can implement this, and I will personally have at it.
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testing for save draft and success message
20 Oct 2023